2020 Events Schedule

Date Event Location
Saturday, January 25 Annual Meeting 1863 Inn
Saturday, February 29 NR School of Instruction Gettysburg Fire Hall
Saturday, March 28 Garrison Life Event Ft. Monroe, Newport News, VA
Saturday, April 4 Monument Park Clean Up Day Manassas, VA
Friday-Sunday, May 1-3 NR Camp of Instruction (NR Max) Gruber Works, Reading, PA
Saturday, May 30 Live Fire Shooting Day Cashtown, PA
Sunday, June 28 Bull Run Winery CW Day Manassas, VA
Saturday, August 29 Wreath Laying/Picnic Manassas, VA
Thursday-Sunday, October 1-4 NYC Zouave Trip New York, NY
Friday-Sunday, October 16-18 Cedar Creek Fed Alliance Federal Blue Middletown, VA
Saturday, November 21 Remembrance Day Parade Gettysburg, PA

Click here to download a copy of the 2020 events calendar.
Click here to download a copy of the 2016 events calendar.
Click here to download a copy of the 2015 events calendar.
Click here to download a copy of the 2014 events calendar.