"Now, men, your time has come; get up and do your duty!"
~ Colonel Abram Duryee: 27 June, 1862

"Advance the colors! Advance the colors! Charge!"
~ Colonel Abram Duryee: 27 June, 1862

"Duryee's Zouaves fought, as did all the regulars, under General Sykes, in whose brigade they are attached, with undaunted courage."
~ New York Herald: 1 July, 1862

The 5th New York Volunteer Infantry, Duryee's Zouaves, was one of the most renowned fighting units of the American Civil War. Their colorful Zouave uniforms, precision drills and bayonet exercises, effectiveness in combat, and steady bearing under fire, won them universal respect and recognition. Many observers considered the 5th New York as the Federal Army's finest volunteer fighting unit of their day.

Organized in 1971, the recreated 5th New York is one of the oldest and most respected living history units in existence. Membership consists of people who have various backgrounds and are from various parts of the United States and Europe.

Every element of Duryee's Zouaves' conduct and appearance is thoroughly researched and authenticated. The 5th New York endeavours to perpetuate the legacy of the illustrious regiment by recreating all those elements that made the original unit famous.

As an organization, the 5th New York is looking for new recruits - those who are willing to take a step into the past.

Members associate with the finest reenactors today and participate in authentic living history programs, encampments, battle reenactments, and presentations for television and motion pictures. The 5th New York is a charter member of the National Regiment (NR) which is a collection of Union troops brigaded at larger reenactments. The NR has been in existence since 1984.

2020 Calendar of Events

The new 2020 calendar of events has been posted! Please click the button below to view and download it.


New Photos Posted

Many new photos have been posted to the website! Please click the button below to view all of the new photos, nicely organized into albums from each of the events.


Join the Zouaves

The 5th New York is looking for new members aged 16 and over. If you are interested, please click the link below to contact the group for more information.

More Info